Edilkamin provides for the sale and distribution of its products exclusively through its authorised dealers, even though it is in favour of using the internet as a promotional and marketing tool.

Edilkamin authorised dealers are carefully selected and continuously trained and updated to offer end clients qualified, timely and comprehensive assistance both during the purchasing phase and during installation and commissioning.

The same dealers are responsible for assisting customers during the guarantee period and beyond.

Edilkamin does not provide for the sale of its products on any website and invites dealers to refrain from promoting these products on the Internet, especially outside their sales area of competence.

In order to make a conscious purchase, Edilkamin urges consumers to be wary of those who offer products at discounted prices on the Internet, as they do not provide customers with the necessary assistance, especially if the offer comes from operators whose organisation is far from the place of installation.

To find out about all Edilkamin dealers on national territory send an e-mail to export@edilkamin.com